余命三年時事日記の「443 クミトービン殿へのメッセージ⑤」を読んで、カリフォルニア州の高校教科書に慰安婦の嘘が記述され、カリフォルニアの若者たちがシナコリの洗脳にあいそうだ、と言う事で、僕もカリフォルニア州教育委員会に以下のメールを送った。
Dear the director of California Department of Education (CDE),
Concerning the rows from 913th to 919th in page 469 of Chapter 15, Grade Ten – World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World,
“Comfort Women, “a euphemism for sexual slaves, were taken by the Japanese Army in occupied territories before and during the war. “Comfort Women” can be taught as an example of institutionalized sexual slavery, and one of the largest cased of human trafficking in the twentieth century; estimates on the total number of comfort women vary, but most argue that hundreds of thousands of women were forced into these situations during Japanese occupation.
I would say a school textbook is not propaganda advertisement for foreign countries. Comfort women stories are exactly propaganda by South Korea and China. Their aims are to stigmatize Japan and weaken the coalition between United States and Japan.
There are growing, unsubstantiated questions about whether the Japanese Imperial Army kidnapped 200,000 sex-slaves (Comfort Women) in World War II. Mostly from Korea. But the comfort women stories in which Koreans are claiming about the Japanese wrong doing is exactly what Korean did during Vietnam war.
Japanese government in their upper house budget committee answered that “there was no forcible abduction found.”
No forcible recruitment was done by Japanese government or Military. But some of the Korean private broker deceived women according to the many news articles at that time.
The fabricated history is spreading, we cannot miss damaged our ancestors’ honor, and we want you to know the fact what the real history is.
A $30 million US Government Study specifically searched for evidence on Comfort Women allegations.
Please read the IWG report that practically nobody seems to know exists. If you do not have time for the whole report, do a search inside the report for Comfort Women, and carefully read those parts:
What kind of fool General would dedicate the resources to kidnap, guard, transport, and feed 200,000 women, knowing that he is creating yet another war to fight? And were Korean men at that time just sitting on the ground while their women were being kidnapped by Japanese Army? Please remember Korea was part of the Imperial Japan and many soldiers from Korea were in the Imperial Japanese Army. Did they kidnap their women? Or didn't they fight against Japanese Army while seeing their women being kidnapped?
The fact is, there were no kidnap and forcible recruitment by then Japanese Army.
それと、宛先がdirectorでいいのかどうかも不明。自分のメール履歴を読んだら、"To whom it may concern" になってたよ。
Yoshinori_K 様、ありがとうございました。